It is easy to debate what characteristics give one company a competitive advantage over another. It might be service quality, product quality, speed, flexibility, location, social footprint, technology and I’m sure you could offer more examples. Each of these characteristics are legitimate and some are more legitimate than others based … Continue reading
Tag: leading lean
Leading Lean and Lean Leadership Part 2
Comparing Lean and Leadership
Several years ago I developed, defined and taught what I called “Conflicting Pairs” Essentially pairs of Lean Leadership behaviors that on one side of the ledger were easier things to do and on the other side were more the right things to do. As I reflect, … Continue reading
Leading Lean versus Lean Leadership
Dual Role for Lean Transformation
I recognized, after a recent update to the website , that more background might be helpful to better understand the distinction between “leading lean” and “lean leadership’. Before going any further, I want to clarify that this is not about one versus the other … Continue reading
The Essence of Lean Leadership
Lean Leadership Requires Discipline
I was recently asked during The Lean Leadership Podcast hosted by Chris Burnham “What advice might I give an organization that is well on it’s way in their lean journey”. Not an easy question to quickly answer but I didn’t hesitate–DISCIPLINE. Jim Collins in his … Continue reading